Loading Maps with whampy

By default, whampy can load the DR1 Full sky release of WHAM data from the fits file release. This can be done with a provided local copy of the file:

>>> from whampy.skySurvey import SkySurvey
>>> # Load from provided default file
>>> survey = SkySurvey()

WHAM natively works in IDL, so data files are initially stored as IDL Save files. These files can also be loaded in as a SkySurvey and use the functionality built in. This is especially useful for members of the WHAM team to work with preliminary data pre-release:

>>> filename = "WHAM_IDL_SAVE_FILE.sav"
>>> # Load WHAM data from save file
>>> survey_idl = SkySurvey(filename = filename)

You can also load the H-Alpha surveys of the Magellanic Clouds from ‘Smart et al. (2019)’_. .. _Smart et al. (2019): https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019ApJ…887…16S/abstract>`:: and Smart et al. (2023). This can be done by specifying the survey as a keyword when calling SkySurvey:

>>> from whampy.skySurvey import SkySurvey
>>> # Load SMC Survey
>>> smc = SkySurvey(survey = "smc_ha")
>>> # Load LMC Survey
>>> lmc = SkySurvey(survey = "lmc_ha")